Tea Time at Highland Falls Library

 “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C. S. Lewis.

This past Saturday, May 4th, there was more than enough tea to suit everyone’s needs and even tea themed books to check out. If you didn’t make reservations this time, be sure to make them next year! We had a total of 25 patrons for Tea Time at the library. View the slide show where you can appreciate the beautifully decorated tables set up with flower arrangements, porcelain teacups, trays of various tea sandwiches, scones, and dessert. The room was buzzing with lively conversations between all the patrons as they enjoyed their tea and plentiful delicacies.

The beautiful teacups and teapots were supplied by Highland Falls Library. The delicacies were all home made by The Friends of the Library and the library staff. Thank you to The Friends of the Library for funding this event and hosting it with the library staff.

CLICK on image to view slideshow

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